Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Utah is Beautiful

Last weekend me and my future hubby went down to Ceder City, Utah to have my sister Nicole take our Bridal pictures. She did such an amazing job, I'm so grateful! We took them up in the mountains where it was stunning of course.

But with any road trip came lots of unexpected turns. After stopping in flagstaff for some food at Arby's I started feeling queezy. It looked yummy at the time...kinda...
So a couple of hours after driving I was not feeling good like at all. I made Daniel stop and buy me some meds but they didn't help at all. I held a grocery bag up to my face for a while before I asked if he'd pull over and give me a Priesthood Blessing. It was such a special moment. The first time he'd given me a blessing. We got back in the car and just a little ways down the road I hacked up the gross Arby's and felt awesome :)

When I drove Daniel captured some amazing views

. Here's some...
and we saw a deer so,,,,
enjoy Muah

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