Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Temple Tuesday

Temple Tuesday! I am not sure if that is even a thing but let's just go with it...anyway randomly I got a call from one of my favorite people (aka my cousin Jessica Rollins) she was just checking up on me since I recently moved out of her house. We've lived together for the past year or so. Basically we became inseparable, Daniel can vouch for that! HAHA! But I will make another post all about that another day. She mentioned she was making the trek from Black Canyon City all the way out to the Gilbert temple. (over an hour drive) When she offered for me to join her I didn't hesitate. Going to the temple is something I have kinda put lower on my priority list lately. What a wonderful experience it was! Going with my best friend to a temple I've never been to, and how glorious it was too!! I love to see the temple, and I can't wait to be sealed to my love in the Salt Lake temple :)

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