Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fall is Here

 Fall is here and we all know what that means! Fall make-up trends! Wahoo! I was actually practicing my hair and make-up for my Bridal pictures, what do you guys think? Do i look like a Fall Bride? :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Our Home

We didn't waste much time when it came down to decorating our home. We both love having a home that we feel comfortable in yet is also speaking our style. So we made a trip, or three to IKEA. After spending most of our paycheck there we took everything home and begun the process of creating our home! But i will say IKEA has some of the best deals. I don't usually impulse buy, so we both made sure we were getting the best buy. Boy did we! I recommend checking it out if you're looking for cheap and stylish alternatives!   

Hanging out at IKEA

We got a free couch and chair from Daniel's kind Grandparents. Since they aren't the style we were going for we went on a hunt for a couch cover. As you can see we are in no way done or complete with decorating but for now this will do. The chair cover is a random blanket which is actually super comfy!! The grey couch cover we found at Target on clearance! We almost lost hope and went out and bought a brand new couch but God blessed us with this amazing cover haha :)
We got the coffee table and rug at IKEA

This is our cute T.V. It fits right in with our small apartment! we got everything again from IKEA. the Curtains just need a little hemming...

 I love this piece! We use it as a room divider between our dinning room and living room, it works great! i painted the D & M with a gold accent just because i thought i needed some GOLD :)

 My favorite is our table! We got this from Daniel's parents. It was a brown wood with dark green legs which was beautiful but didn't go with our theme. So i painted it white, and we found these chairs at Good Will! Guess what? The brand is IKEA!

Last but not least my vanity! This was Daniel's, Nana's vanity. I love being able to have a specific place for all my make-up and girly stuff :)
Finally after a long day we relaxed and watched our favorite show Vikings. Can't wait for the next season in February!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fire House Subs!?

First day at work was on Wednesday. Working at a sandwich shop definitely isn't on my dream chart, but right now I have to do what i can until the time is right. Doing something new is always scary but I never thought I'd be so nervous to put mayo on bread! But guess what guys? It was fun. I made friends and actually worked really hard. Don't worry I still think having a job sucks, who wouldn't want to stay home and watch Gossip Girl marathons? Non the less, Fire House is da bomb. Let's see where this adventure takes me! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Temple Tuesday

Temple Tuesday! I am not sure if that is even a thing but let's just go with it...anyway randomly I got a call from one of my favorite people (aka my cousin Jessica Rollins) she was just checking up on me since I recently moved out of her house. We've lived together for the past year or so. Basically we became inseparable, Daniel can vouch for that! HAHA! But I will make another post all about that another day. She mentioned she was making the trek from Black Canyon City all the way out to the Gilbert temple. (over an hour drive) When she offered for me to join her I didn't hesitate. Going to the temple is something I have kinda put lower on my priority list lately. What a wonderful experience it was! Going with my best friend to a temple I've never been to, and how glorious it was too!! I love to see the temple, and I can't wait to be sealed to my love in the Salt Lake temple :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A new chapter...

I am in such an exciting stage in my life, there are so many things to experience and learn. Moving from my home (Utah) to Arizona just a few short months ago has been one of the hardest and most rewarding choices I have made. I don't want my family to miss out on all the AMAZING things I'm going through, so I'm looking forward to sharing this adventure called life with you all.


Mrs. Smith (Soon to be)
One of many from my engagement pictures done by the outstanding Jessica Payne Smith